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fundamental care

for oral health

_ caries (cavitations)

Dental caries, or tooth decay, are the most prevalent infectious disease in humans, affecting 97% of the population worldwide during their lifetime The process of caries is multifactorial and, over time, can culminate in localized destruction of the tooth by acids produced by bacterial carbohydrate fermentation. Reduce the amount and frequency of carbohydrate consumption, limit sugary snacks between meals and eat a healthy diet that limits added sugars and high-acid foods that can compromise the mineralization of the tooth enamel. Maintaining optimal oral hygiene practices, including brushing with fluoride toothpaste twice a day and cleaning between teeth (flossing) daily can also prevent tooth decay.

_ halitosis

It may be associated with systemic sinus infection, lung diseases, GERDS and acid reflux. In the mouth, it is usually related to infections in the gingiva (Gingivitis and Periodontitis) or within the teeth (root canal treatments).

_ teeth whitening

Extrinsic stains occur on the surface of the tooth and are caused by behaviors like tobacco use or consumption of highly pigmented foods, or beverages such as coffee, red wine, tea or cola drinks. Safe and effective whitening options are available for in-office applications and at-home Whitening trays.

_ sensitive teeth

Caries or dental root exposure, tooth structures without the protective enamel layer, can cause cold sensitivity. Bruxism and mouthwash with alcohol may also increase sensitivity. Removing and restoring caries and wearing mouth guards helps treat the symptoms. In extreme cases, the sensitivity may be related to cracked teeth. This sensitivity tends to appear when biting something hard on the affected tooth. Heat sensitivity can be related to root canal problems.

_ mouthwash

Just like we shouldn’t take antibiotics daily, the same should be thought of about using bactericidal mouth washes. It may alter ones taste, stain teeth and can cause resistant infections. Proper oral hygiene (brushing and flossing specially) is key to preventing caries and bleeding gums.  Ask your Periodontist if you have any questions about your daily oral hygiene routine. It's important to visit your dentist at least every 6 months to assure you're taking good care of your oral health.

_ systemic diseases

The concept of periodontal medicine was introduced to explain the relationships that were being observed between periodontitis and cardiovascular disease, rheumatoid arthritis, Alzheimer's disease, pulmonary disease, pre-term delivery of low birth weight infants and metabolic disease (diabetes). It was proposed that periodontal pathobionts played a causal role in the initiating or exacerbating certain diseases either by direct invasion or by stimulating a florid immune-inflammatory response that extended into the systemic circulation. 

_ bruxism

Bruxism is a condition in which you grind, gnash or clench your teeth. If you have bruxism, you may unconsciously clench your teeth when you're awake (awake bruxism) or clench or grind them during sleep (sleep bruxism). It may cause damage to your teeth, restorations, crowns or jaw, tension-type headaches, severe facial or jaw pain, disorders that occur in the temporomandibular joints (TMJs), located just in front of your ears, which may sound like clicking when you open and close your mouth. See your dentist or doctor if you have any of the symptoms listed above or have other concerns about your teeth or jaw is corretct.

_ wisdom teeth (third molars)

Your mouth goes through many changes in your lifetime. One major dental milestone that usually takes place between the ages of 17 and 21 is the appearance of your third molars. Historically, these teeth have been called wisdom teeth because they come through at a more mature age. Wisdom teeth can lead to problems if there isn’t enough space for them to surface or if they come through in the wrong position. It can allow food to become trapped, witch in turn gives cavity-causing bacteria a place to grow and infection to occur. This may also lead to pain, swelling and stiffness in your jaw. It can also damage neighboring teeth. A wisdom tooth that is impacted can form a cyst on or near them. This could damage the roots of nearby teeth or destroy the bone that supports your teeth. Your dentist may also recommend removal of wisdom teeth as part of treatment for braces or other dental care.

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